Starting in July 2022, two of PIL’s services, South West Africa Container Services or SWS, and the recently launched West Coast South America 6 or WS6, would be calling at the new Busan Container Terminal (BCT) in Korea. BCT is also known as Pier 6 at Busan New Port.

PIL’s SWS and WS6 services call at new Busan Container Terminal in Korea

Mr Abhishek Chawla, General Manager, Operations and Procurement, PIL, commented, “Adding Busan to our network, PIL would be providing an expanded coverage to Africa, Latin America, Red Sea/Middle East and the Oceania markets. In doing so, PIL is partnering with the newly launched terminal BCT in Korea, which, with its newer handling equipment and expanded capacity, gives us the confidence of faster vessel turnarounds, thereby enabling us to offer quality services to our Korean Importers and Exporters. We are pleased to work with BCT and look forward to a fruitful and long-term partnership with them.”

SWS commenced calling at BCT with PIL vessel Kota Selamat on 6 July 2022, while the first PIL vessel call to BCT to be made on WS6 service will be by Kota Lestari on 26 July 2022.