Mytilene, Greece (GRMJT)

Port time:Sep 8, 06:57

Expected ships: 0
Ships in port: 16

Weather forecast


Expected ships in Mytilene

ETA by AIS Schip Dist./Time to go Last port Gebouwd GT DWT Maat (m)
Currently there are no expected ships

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Recent ship arrivals in Mytilene

Arrival (LT) Schip Last port Gebouwd GT DWT Maat (m)
Sep 7, 23:58 Available to Satellite users 1991 32071 6368 193 x 27
Sep 7, 22:38 Available to Satellite users 1990 15362 3348 142 x 23
Sep 7, 20:06 Available to Satellite users 2006 1723 1999 77 x 13
Sep 7, 19:58 Available to Satellite users 1978 5363 8661 151 x 20
Sep 7, 19:41 Available to Satellite users 2004 332 180 42 x 9
Sep 7, 14:15 Available to Satellite users - - - 15 x 8
Sep 7, 12:10 Available to Satellite users - - - 12 x 4
Sep 7, 11:06 Available to Satellite users 2016 398 209 38 x 10
Sep 7, 11:00 Available to Satellite users 2004 375 - 46 x 11
Sep 7, 10:51 Available to Satellite users 2014 801 - 49 x 11
Sep 7, 10:34 Available to Satellite users 1996 516 48 40 x 10
Sep 7, 10:15 Available to Satellite users 1988 30694 7622 192 x 29
Sep 7, 10:05 Available to Satellite users 1986 288 50 34 x 9
Sep 7, 06:36 Available to Satellite users 1990 15362 3348 142 x 23
Sep 6, 19:43 Available to Satellite users 2004 332 180 42 x 9
Sep 6, 18:06 Available to Satellite users - - - -
Sep 6, 17:39 Available to Satellite users - - - -
Sep 6, 13:43 Available to Satellite users 2004 375 - 46 x 11
Sep 6, 11:46 Available to Satellite users 2017 479 195 39 x 12
Sep 6, 11:05 Available to Satellite users 2016 398 209 38 x 10

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Recent ship departures from Mytilene

Departure (LT) Schip Current destination Gebouwd GT DWT Maat (m)
Sep 8, 01:13 Available to Premium users 1991 32071 6368 193 x 27
Sep 8, 00:29 Available to Premium users 1978 5363 8661 151 x 20
Sep 7, 23:51 Available to Premium users 1990 15362 3348 142 x 23
Sep 7, 17:58 Available to Premium users 2016 398 209 38 x 10
Sep 7, 17:57 Available to Premium users 2004 375 - 46 x 11
Sep 7, 17:52 Available to Premium users 1996 516 48 40 x 10
Sep 7, 17:50 Available to Premium users 1986 288 50 34 x 9
Sep 7, 17:18 Available to Premium users - - - 15 x 8
Sep 7, 16:11 Available to Premium users - - - 23 x 6
Sep 7, 15:14 Available to Premium users - - - -
Sep 7, 09:43 Available to Premium users - - - 29 x 8
Sep 7, 09:05 Available to Premium users 2004 332 180 42 x 9
Sep 7, 08:04 Available to Premium users 1990 15362 3348 142 x 23
Sep 6, 21:25 Available to Premium users - - - 16 x 5
Sep 6, 19:04 Available to Premium users 1987 29422 6148 192 x 27
Sep 6, 18:03 Available to Premium users 2016 398 209 38 x 10
Sep 6, 18:01 Available to Premium users 2004 375 - 46 x 11
Sep 6, 17:56 Available to Premium users 2014 801 - 49 x 11
Sep 6, 17:52 Available to Premium users 1996 516 48 40 x 10
Sep 6, 17:47 Available to Premium users 1986 288 50 34 x 9

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Schepen in haven

Laatste rapport Schip Gebouwd GT DWT Maat (m)
Sep 8, 03:51 1988 30694 7622 192 x 29
Sep 8, 03:39 2006 1723 1999 77 x 13
Sep 8, 03:51 2014 801 - 49 x 11
Sep 8, 03:41 2017 479 195 39 x 12
Sep 8, 03:54 2004 332 180 42 x 9
Sep 8, 02:09 - - - 12 x 4
Sep 8, 03:51 - - - 14 x 4
Sep 8, 03:41 - - - 14 x 4
Sep 8, 02:19 - - - 22 x 6
Sep 7, 16:09 - - - 12 x 4
Sep 8, 03:51 - - - 31 x 8
Sep 8, 03:46 - - - -
Sep 7, 17:45 - - - 13 x 4
Sep 8, 03:19 - - - -
Sep 8, 03:15 - - - 16 x 4
Sep 8, 03:51 - - - 10 x 2

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.