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Tagged in diesel-electric vessels

Vertom orders twelve diesel-electric vessels in India

On the sustainable road towards 2030 and 2050, it is important for Vertom to become greener and more environmental-friendly in the upcoming years. The aim is to start the transformation to decarbonizing the business activities for Vertom and their …
Feb 27, 2024 / Vessels

Vertom orders two more 7,000 DTW diesel-electric vessels from Thecla Bodewes Shipyards

While the building of the vessels Vertom CYTA and Vertom TOMMA are in full swing, Vertom has ordered the construction of two additional vessels from Thecla Bodewes Shipyards. This makes the total go up to eight 7,000 DTW Diesel-Electric Multi-Purpose …
Feb 7, 2023 / Vessels