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Tagged in N-Sea

N-Sea strengthens its fleet and subsea activities with offshore support vessel Aquarius-G

N-Sea Group has entered into an agreement with Rederij Groen to long-term charter the vessel Aquarius-G, a modern offshore support vessel built in 2016. The Aquarius-G has a proven track record when it comes to safe and efficient offshore …
Jan 22, 2024 / Curious

N-Sea strengthens its offshore subsea activities with hybrid survey and ROV support vessel Geo Ranger

N-Sea Group has entered into an agreement with Geo Plus to long-term charter the Dutch-flagged vessel Geo Ranger, a modern hybrid survey and ROV support vessel. The Geo Ranger will accompany the Geo Focus which is already under N-Sea management and …
Jan 15, 2024 / Curious

N-Sea Strengthens Offshore Subsea Services With Multipurpose Support Vessel Geosea

N-Sea Group has entered into an agreement to acquire the Dutch flagged vessel Geosea, a multipurpose support vessel, for an undisclosed sum. The vessel has been under management by N-Sea on a long-term vessel agreement with DOF Subsea Rederi AS for …
Apr 6, 2022 / Curious

N-SEA Concludes Long-term Vessel Agreement for the DP-3 Multi Purpose Offshore Support Vessel EDT Protea

N-Sea Group has signed a long-term vessel agreement with EDT Offshore for the EDT Protea, an advanced DP-3 Multi-Purpose Offshore Support Vessel. The vessel has a strong track record in Subsea services in both AIR diving and ROV intervention …
Jan 31, 2022 / Vessels

N-SEA Concludes Long-Term Vessel Agreement for the DP1 35M Hybrid Survey/ROV Support Vessel Geo Focus

N-Sea Group has signed a long-term vessel agreement with Geo Plus for the Geo Focus, an advanced DP1 35M Hybrid Survey/ROV Support Vessel. The vessel has a strong track record of continuous survey operations in various regions for many years.N-Sea …
Jan 31, 2022 / Vessels

DOF Subsea Wins Contract Award For Geosea

DOF Subsea Group has been awarded a contract for the vessel Geosea with N-Sea. End client is the Royal Netherlands Navy.The contract will commence shortly and has a duration of 5 years firm plus 4 x 6 months optional extensions.The CEO Mons Aase …
Feb 20, 2020 / Curious

N-Sea announces multi-million pound North Sea contract wins

UK and Netherlands-based subsea provider N-Sea has announced that it has been awarded two £multi-million contracts.Managed and supported by N-Sea’s Aberdeen base, the first is a three-year contract, awarded by an international operator. The work …
Feb 22, 2019 / Curious